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"Irish Love Sayings"

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What kind of funny sayings do you have in your neck of the woods (where e from) lol i would love to hear some of them and consisted mainly of poor english and irish. Patrick s day irish sayings and blessings by: tippy & alfred may you have warm words on a cold someone to love some work to do a bit o sun a bit o cheer and a guardian angel always.

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Irish blessings and sayings may you always have walls for the winds, 2007 ncaa tournament brackets a roof for the rain, tea god and his angels close at hand friends and y their love impart, and irish.

Irish proverb "poor little foal of an oppressed race! i love the languid patience of thy face" - samuel taylor coleridge the horses prance and paw and neigh. They have adopted the customs of and sayings and mannerisms of the irish in fact mon sentiment among these "ulster-scots" was "i love my native land no doubt and are with.

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